7 Common Signs Of Teething In Babies

7 Common Signs Of Teething In Babies
Teething baby

Signs of teething in babies could vary. Some babies start teething when they are in their fourth month, others go through a lot of pain and become irritable. Here are common signs of teething in babies:

1. Stooling

Some babies might stool for some days when teething. So, stooling could mean that your baby is teething or getting ready to grow some teeth.

2. Drooling

This is the most common sign of teething in babies. They might not want to close their mouth because of the tenderness, so they tend to drool all over. They might seem like they want to eat something even when they are not hungry.

3. Coughing

Some babies cough a lot when they start to grow some teeth. It is usually not a thing to worry about, but if the cough does not go on its own or with the use of cough medication, you should see your doctor.

4. Los of Appetite or Cravings

Babies might not want to eat when they are teething. This could be because of the pain they experience. It could also mean the opposite. Some babies have cravings and just want to eat everything when they are teething.

5. Inability to Sleep

Your baby might be unable to sleep while teething. Teething tends to ache more at night because the temperature drops at night. They might eventually sleep after pain killers.

6. Sucking

This is a habit most babies cultivate when they start teething. They do this to relieve the tenderness of the gum. They either put one finger or all fingers in their mouth. You can put a pacifier in their mouth to avoid this. They also put everything in their mouth. So, you should be careful about the things you place around them. Keep tiny toys and keys away from them.

7. Irritability

Babies get cranky when they are teething. Teething can be painful and this can irritate them.

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